Thursday, September 2, 2010

Be Thou My Vision

"God's work, done God's way, will not lack God's supply." -Hudson Taylor

With only 4 months left before my commitment as a mentor ends, I've been praying for God's direction as to what to do. It's funny how being here as a mentor provides a sweet security that is far unlike positions I've held in the past. There is a certain comfort in being in an environment that is focused on God and knowing Him more. While there may be few material comforts to draw security and a sense of stability, the focus here is grounded on God's word, the only unshakable foundation.

A Prayer Request
As much as I hate to admit it, finances continue to be an issue for me and I have been seeking the Lord's answer as to what to do about it. I have approximately $400 per month in bills and I am currently receiving $125 per month in support. That has left me with $275 per month that I've had to pay, and will soon run out of savings to cover it. If it is indeed God's will for me to stay, I'm going to have to make the hard decision of wether or not to sell my car. Please join me in praying over this as it will require me a lot of "running around" to go through the process of selling. Not exactly my idea of a great use of free time! :)

The need for female mentors remains great and it is hard for me to imagine myself in another position. There is a reason why in my management positions before coming here didn't quite feel "right". God has gifted me with mercy and compassion that apparently translates well in a place like this. One of the women recently shared with me how valuable a listening ear really is to her and how growing up no one ever was around for her. Here, she is listened to and is working on trusting the newness of quality relationships.

Thank you for praying me and everyone here at His Mansion. We will especially need your prayers over the next couple of weeks as we have our fall intake. We will have a record number of residents in the program, some 40-50 men and women. Please pray that the adjustment goes well for all and that the staff does not burn out (We have been short-handed and in the process have all had to take on more responsibilities).
