Sunday, July 4, 2010

By grace alone.

What better way to celebrate Independence Day, than to share of the freedom that is being obtained through the blood of Jesus Christ on our little hill in NH.

Since my last newsletter, we've welcomed seven new women into the induction phase of the program. Often a difficult transition, it is common for some to "opt out" of the program during this time. The good news is that all seven women in this group have not only successfully made it through the 30-day induction period, they've committed to their healing by transitioning into the first phase of the program. I've been blessed to watch that through the daily challenges, a couple of the women specifically exhibit a greater desire for change than to give up.

Speaking of changes, the Lord has provided more opportunities for me to be stretched in recent weeks as well. I've been asked to assist in teaching the women's inner healing class for phase two as well as to be one of the sunday morning worship team leaders. I haven't felt equipped for either responsibility, but have drawn strength from the Lord as I've agreed to be stretched in both areas.

Inner Healing is what I call the "meat and potatoes" of the healing journey at His Mansion. It is here where the women are pushed to get deep and uncover the wounds from their past. It is also often the first time difficult memories are uncovered, and given opportunity to be drawn into the forefront of the mind. The goal of Inner Healing is for these things to be uncovered, as many traumatic experiences have led to addictions and destructive lifestyles. Many of these traumatic experiences have deeply-implanted lies into the minds of these women, that cause them to feel worthless, unloved, and insignificant.

As an instructor, I've noticed a marked change in how this role affects me as a mentor. I've been blessed with the chance to better connect with the women in this phase, and yet with that I've seemed to carry a greater emotional burden for them. Though my physical energy level has decreased significantly as a result, I feel as though the depth of relationship being formed with them is worth every minute.